Friday, October 21, 2016

If Only...

If only I could talk to my mom one more time,
I'd tell her all about this hurting heart of mine.
She'd tell me to stay strong and not give in to fears;
She'd tell me that she loved me, then she would dry my tears.

If only I could hear her voice  just whisper in my ear,
She'd tell me the choice I made was good and her love for me was dear.
I'd tell her how my heart was broken because my loved one's hurt;
She say, "But Lynn I'm proud of you for getting up out of the dirt."

If only I could feel her arms surround me in a hug,
And feel her kiss upon my cheek, her arm around me snug.
I'd tell her how I missed her and wish she was still here.
So we could talk things over and pray about this year.

If only I could have the chance, I'd tell her, "I love you!"
She'd tell me that she never once doubted that was true.
I want to tell my family and friends, to never miss a chance,
To tell your mom you love her. She could be gone with just one glance.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where is Your Secret Place?

Psalm 91:1-2 (NCV) says, "Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God and I trust you." 

A few weeks ago one of my friends in the Sunday School class we attend brought her young daughter, who is eight years old, with her.  It was so enjoyable for me to watch her listen to our teacher for a while and then get up and fix her own self a cup of coffee.  Just precious!  Near the end of the lesson, she went over to her mom, put her arms around her neck and sat down on her lap.  It brought back wonderful memories of me holding my own two daughters when they were little. 

What seems like only a short while ago, I remember as a child crawling up on my mom's lap.  I loved resting my head against her chest when I had fallen down and gotten hurt or more importantly when I was sick.  Then there were times when I just wanted her to hold me.  I would listen to her heart beat and the sound of her voice as she would talk or sing softly to me.  It would always soothe all my aches and pains.  I can still remember how loved and how safe I felt in her arms.  

Our Heavenly Father loves for us to crawl up on His lap, so to speak.  When we go to that “secret place” to spend time with Him, we will always find rest in His arms.  When we talk to Him, read His Word, and sit quietly and wait on Him, we can hear His heartbeat and let His words soothe our cares and worries of the day.  We can feel the enormous love He has for us and the safety only He can provide as we spend quiet time with Him. 

If you’ve never climbed onto the lap of the Lord, our God, try it just once.  I can guarantee you will want go keep going back!  Oh, by the way, don’t forget to hold your own children and shower them with the excessive love you have for them!  One day they will be too big to sit on your lap.  Isn’t it wonderful that we never get too big to sit on God’s lap?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hallelujah to the Lamb!

“And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God.”  Revelation 19:1

In the early 90's, I attended an International Sunday School class our church offered.  
One Sunday a missionary family from Spain came and taught the lesson.  Before he started teaching, he played the guitar and sang a song in Spanish along with his wife and children.

I can remember feeling the Holy Spirit move in that small classroom.  After they finished their song, he asked us to bow our head for prayer.  He prayed in Spanish.  I didn’t have a clue what he was saying, but the Spirit of the Lord did a mighty work in our hearts as he prayed.  We were all, as the bible would call it, in one accord.  Because I had never been in an environment like this before, I recall realizing that God speaks and understands every language.  It was an awesome moment!

I have heard a story about a pastor who tells of his opportunity to escort some Chinese students and professors back to China.  He was feeling homesick when he went into a church.  He didn’t understand what they were saying because they were speaking Chinese.  He started to leave just as the pastor finished his sermon and the people stood and began to sing.   

The song they sang is the only song where the lyrics are the same in every language: Chinese, English, Russian, or Spanish.  So he began to sing with them, “Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia...” And in that moment, he was no longer homesick. He felt at home with these brothers and sisters who were connected with God and connected with him.

He stood there, with tears in his eyes, thinking about the passage in Revelation where the Bible says that in heaven people from every tribe, every tongue, and every nation will gather around the throne of God and sing praises to the Lamb.

Our Heavenly Father deserves and loves to hear our songs of praise.  I believe we will all sing Hallelujah to the Lamb in unison as we stand before the throne of our awesome God.  Have you blessed God today by singing praises to Him?

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Lord Cares For Us!

     It's definitely been a while since I posted a new blog.  My back has been giving me trouble since Labor Day weekend.  So...I don't sit at the computer for very long periods of time.  Maybe I need to invest in a more comfortable chair???
     I have been working through Beth Moore's study on "A Heart Like His."  I have learned so much and highly recommend any of her Bible Studies to anyone who wants to delve a little deeper into God's Word.
     As I learn about the life of David, I am at times laughing or crying or getting mad.  I've found that I am enjoying this study because he reminds me of myself - always making mistakes but never giving up on God and/or His faithfulness.
     I love to tell what the Lord has done to show Himself faithful in my life.  For example:  last week I was talking with my daughter on the phone.  She had lost the little ball on her Blackberry somewhere in her hotel room.  So I suggested we pray and ask the Lord to make it visible in the thick carpet.  She said she had already done that, but I said, "Let's do it again."  So we prayed together and as soon as I said, "Amen" she said, "I found it! Plus I found the back of my earring!"  We both said, "Thank You, LORD!"
     He just loves to prove to us that He cares about the smallest things we are concerned with.  He tells us in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all our cares on Him for He cares for us.  Nothing is too small or too big for the Lord to handle.  Just keep trusting Him.  I can promise you this - He will never let you down!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Singing Off Key

 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”  Colossians 3:16

Did you know that God loves it when you sing to Him?  The key to being set free to really worship is to understand that you aren’t singing to anyone else but God.  Colossians 3:16 ends by saying, “…singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord!”  Let’s be honest, don’t we enjoy it when someone sings to us? We may act embarrassed, but when someone sings “happy birthday” to us, it makes us feel good because they care enough about us to sing to us. God is the same way—He created us in His image and He has instructed us to sing praises to Him.

One Sunday, everywhere I turned the Lord kept saying the same thing over and over to me.  It was about singing to the Lord.  In Sunday School, we were studying the book of Revelation Chapter 5.  Verse 9 says, “And they sang a new song…”  That day in the worship service, the music director said we weren't singing to put on a show, we were singing for the Lord. 

Finally, that Sunday night I was watching TV and the message was entitled, “The Kind of Music God Loves”.  So I’m like, “OK, Lord, I get the message!” 

In the early 80’s, we lived in Louisiana.  I was a member of a small church and sang in the choir.  There was this precious lady who also sang in the choir.  She loved to sing, and you knew she meant every word she sang.  She sat behind me in the choir.  She sang loud and clear. 

The only problem for me was that she sang nearly every note off key.  I’m not a strong singer and can very easily get off key.  But, bless her heart, she didn’t even seem to know she caused some of us around her to miss some notes we were singing.  

I’m ashamed to admit it, but, I used to wish she wouldn’t sit behind me or even near me so I wouldn’t mess up as bad.  Yes, pride had consumed me!  Then one day she moved away.  I was very surprised to find myself missing her singing!  I soon realized the Spirit of the Lord didn’t seem to be present with us like He was before she moved.  God had given me a big wake up call back then and let me know that while I was thinking I sounded “so good”, it was her who was actually blessing Him.  She was singing with all her heart because she loved the Lord, I was singing because I thought I sounded good enough to be in a choir.

Because we are so used to being entertained, it is easy to make the mistake of thinking a worship service is to entertain the audience. If you are like I was and think it is like a concert, or a play where the choir loft is a stage and we’re the performers—you’ve got it all wrong.

Here’s an important spiritual truth about worship: True worship is always for an audience of One. Every song, every prayer, every offering is to be directed to our Heavenly Father.  

So, instead of thinking we’re the performers and those not singing in the choir are the audience, think of the entire sanctuary as the stage and we are doing our part in offering the sacrifice of praise to God.  When we applaud, we really aren’t applauding the talents or efforts of the person or group singing. Our applause is to show appreciation to the audience of One who has filled our hearts with grace and made all this possible.

When Jesus comes to live in our heart, He brings a song and puts it there.   Sometimes we may sing off key or sit beside someone who does, but when it all comes down to it we had better be singing Christians!   Are you singing from your heart to the Lord? 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's Supper Time!

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth 
out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4

One of my fondest memories as a child is the times I spent at my grandmother’s house.  She was old fashioned in her beliefs – one of which she believed children should be outside playing and not stuck inside listening to what the adults were talking about.

I thought she was the best cook in the whole world.  It seemed everything she cooked was just perfect.  She enjoyed cooking for her family and you could taste the love she felt for us in every bite.

Some words I couldn’t wait to hear her say when we were outside playing were, “Come on in, it’s supper time!”  Oh, how I would love to hear her say that just once more.

There is an old southern gospel song entitled, “Supper Time.”  It begins with a young boy playing outside all day long.  Then, in the evening, his mom would call him in for supper.  It ends up telling about his mother waiting for him in heaven; waiting at the banquet table.  Waiting for that great supper – the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  

One of these days, if we are one of His, we will hear the Lord call to us, “Come home, it’s supper time!”  What a gathering that will be!  Revelation 19:9 says, “…Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” 

Whatever it is that we do while we are on this earth, we should be doing it with one purpose in mind - to glorify God, to lift up His name, and to share the life changing news of Jesus Christ. We should be looking ahead, eagerly awaiting that final supper with our Lord.

While we are waiting, let’s feast on God’s Word.  Let’s do the things we do to the very best of our abilities. God has placed us right where we are for such a time as this. Let’s share some of the “food” from God’s Word with others.  Someone we will encounter today desperately needs to know Jesus loves them.  Tell them!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pass the Salt, Please!

“Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.”
~Edmond Burke~

I think most everyone will agree with the saying, “A little salt goes a long way.”  Have you ever eaten hospital food?  The main thing I’ve noticed is the lack of salt.  Fortunately, they include those tiny little packs of salt and pepper with your meal.  Strangely, that small pack provides just enough seasoning to make the food edible.

The Bible teaches us about another kind of salt.  In Matthew 5:13 Jesus said, "Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth...” (The Message)
More than likely, we could all name a few people we would say undoubtedly fit into the “salt” category.   But, one person we have all heard of that comes to my mind is Mother Teresa. 

Author, Jean Houston had the privilege of talking with her on more than one occasion.  During one of the talks she asked her, "How does it happen that you're able to do these things that most international development organizations can do only with immense trouble?"

Mother Teresa replied, "My dear, it's because I'm so deeply in love."

Houston said, "You are in love, Mother? Would you mind telling me who you are in love with?"

She said, "Not at all. I'm in love with Jesus."

Houston said, "Well, of course."

She said, "No, you don't understand, I really am. I have such a love for Jesus that I feel the presence of Him everywhere — in that day-old child that was left at the convent door who needs a life and an education, or that leper who comes to me and wants to be of some use in the world. I see Christ in that child and that leper. I cannot do enough for my beloved. And so my beloved cannot do enough for me. That is why I am able to do these things." *

The “salt” Mother Teresa sprinkled on others and everything she did proved her love for Jesus. Likewise, if whatever we do isn’t done because of our love for Jesus, it doesn’t mean a thing.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:40 “…Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” 

This week as we are interacting with others, may whatever we do be because of our love for Christ.  Also, let us remember Jesus said that we are to be salt, so, let’s sprinkle it, lovingly, on our family, our friends and on everyone with whom we come in contact.